How is Teeth Reshaping & Contouring performed?
The procedure is more likely a single-visit consultation and non-invasive dental treatment; it is also a painless and less expensive option to improve one’s oral health and achieve an attractive smile. In a process, probably imperfections of teeth are removed by just getting off small amounts of teeth enamels, followed by a smoothening and polishing of teeth surfaces and adjacent teeth structures to improve teeth appearances. Follow-up visit may also be necessitated varying case to case.
What are the benefits of Teeth Reshaping & Contouring
Mainly, this treatment is practiced for resizing and reshaping the damaged or chipped teeth, getting them in proper alignment as compared to regular teeth structure. At most, the upper central and canine teeth are performed frequently to enhance an aesthetic improvement. Overlapping, crooked and cracked teeth are restored back in normal outlook, increasing chances of much favorable oral health by practicing proper teeth cleaning and decreasing risks of tooth decays and other periodontal diseases.